Welcome, Katie
Hello, and welcome to your online training page! Please watch the video to get started.
Complete each workout throughout the course of 1 week
Complete 3 sets of each exercise for each workout
Reference my foam rolling guide when performing lower body exercises! (petetraining.com/foam-rolling)
Workout 1
Pallof Press
Muscle Group:
Weight recommendation:
Heavy band
10 each side
Begin by standing perpendicular to the anchor point of your resistance band or cable handle. Place your feet shoulder width apart, slightly bend your knees, brace your core muscles by pulling your belly button towards your spine, and with both hands press the handle away from your body ensuring the handle stays in line with the midline of your body.
Workout 1
Pallof Rotation
Muscle Group:
Weight recommendation:
Heavy band
10 each side
Begin by standing perpendicular to the anchor point of your resistance band or cable handle. Place your feet shoulder width apart, slightly bend your knees, and brace your core muscles by pulling your belly button towards your spine. With both hands grasping the handle, extend your arms straight, then rotate your torso 90 degrees away from the anchor point.
Workout 1
Resistance Band Row
Muscle Group:
Weight recommendation:
Heavy band
10 each side
Begin by looping a resistance band around an anchor point about waist height. Grasp both handles of the resistance band, stagger your stance (one foot behind your body), pull your core muscles tight, then drive your elbows straight back in a row motion.
Workout 1
Dumbbell Bicep Curls
Muscle Group:
Weight recommendation:
10 lbs
10 each side
Begin with the weights at your sides, slightly retract your shoulder blades, then turn your palm to face you as you curl the dumbbells one at a time.
Workout 1
Plank with Toe Taps
Muscle Group:
Weight recommendation:
30 seconds
Begin on the floor, plant your toes (feet together or shoulder width), and raise your body onto your elbows, which should be right underneath your shoulders. Maintain a flat back, pull your belly button towards your spine, and squeeze your glutes. Touch your toes out to the side one at a time and return them to their original position while maintaining neutral hips (without twisting).
Workout 1
Pushups (modified)
Muscle Group:
Weight recommendation:
Place your hands 4-6 inches outside shoulder width, plant your toes, and maintain rigidity throughout your body by bracing core muscles and squeezing your glutes. Lower yourself down, and push up.
Workout 1
TRX low row
Muscle Group:
Weight recommendation:
Begin by facing the anchor point of the TRX, apply tension to the straps, then walk your feet towards the anchor point. Lower your body towards the floor until your arms are straight, face your palms towards each other, then pull yourself up by driving your elbows straight back, maintaining them tight to your sides.